
Jon Stetson’s

Mind Reading


Intimate secrets with America’s Master Mentalist.


In theatre we have a tradition- whenever the theatre is empty we are always sure to leave one light on. Typically on a stand in the centre of the stage, this light is known as the ghost light. There are many stories about its origin- but it’s meaning is unmistakable. It means though the theatre is empty, WE WILL RETURN.

So here’s to us. The actors, the technicians, the directors, the carpenters, the designers, the dancers, the teachers, the students, the freelancers, those on tour, those at sea, the electricians, the stitchers, the makers, the stage managers.... THE ARTISTS.

Many of us have taken big hits during this virus. Financial and emotional weights have come crashing down as our entire industry is reduced to nothing but a bunch of ghost lights. But those ghost lights are temporary place holders. They are a sign. We might be down now- but our passion, our creativity, our drive is still centre stage. We’ll be unplugging those ghost lights in no time. Until then- here’s a ghost light- to let the world know WE WILL BE BACK.

Jon Stetson is a dangerous man. I wish I had his skill set.
— Warren Buffet